Liberis education center was established in response to the constantly growing educational needs of adult immigrants coming to Iceland. The main goal of our organization is to provide our clients with access to high-quality training and education services, tailored to the individual needs of the client. This is possible thanks to the many years of professional experience we have gained in this field while conducting and organizing this type of services on the Icelandic market. Our offer is addressed to those immigrants who want to function better in the Icelandic environment and want to improve their competences and communicativeness, and to their employers in the form of evening and day language courses as well as specialist and professional language courses at the workplaces of the participants. Our professional organizational and educational facilities, combined with excellent knowledge of the training needs of immigrants with different levels of language proficiency, have helped us to prepare an attractive offer for both individual courses as well as education and training packages and courses addressed to those companies that, operating on the Icelandic market, employ foreign workers. In addition to the fact that we have several years of experience in conducting and organizing such courses, the position of Liberis on the Icelandic education market is strengthened by the fact that we, as the founders and people managing the project, are immigrants who have been associated with Iceland and the Icelandic market for many years. It is these experiences, both professional and those that we acquired as immigrants during many years of professional work and living in Iceland, that are one of the main pillars of the quality of our offers and services. The other pillars are paying great attention to the high quality of classes and the substantive content of the courses, the use of our own textbooks, and putting strong emphasis on fluent communication with our partners. All this makes us a trusted partner who can be entrusted with the care of providing high-quality services. This is evidenced by the trust of our former and current students and companies cooperating with us.